Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Things First

Alright, I'm not getting up from  this computer until I've posted something on here. 
I keep putting this off because I'm not sure what to write. A professor of mine taught me that if I'm agonizing over starting to write then I'm probably over thinking it. They'd tell me to just get it out, keep it simple.     

For the  past couple of weeks I have been in orientation with the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio. I have learned a lot about the Order, a lot about myself, and a lot about what it means to be a missionary.

But most importantly, I have learned that I have a lot to be thankful for.

So before writing anything else, I need to thank all the people who helped to get me here.

My family.
These past weeks have been tough, especially being so close, but so far, from my family. Missing home is what I'm least looking forward to these next two years. I just want to thank my parents, my brothers, my sister, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my primos and primas for all of the love and support throughout my life. And friends that might as well be family, like the Prietos, the Holders, the Johnsons, the Vasquezes, all all of the Rosary group and my homeboy Michael Sanchez.

I keep thinking about the last day I was at home and how throughout the entire day I kept thinking about having to pack my bags. and how I didn't what to. and how sad it was going to be. After we had eaten thanksgiving dinner in July-which my mom planned for me because I won't be here for it and because she's also the best-I walked into my room, and there they were. My aunts and cousin, packing up all my stuff for me. Hey, so, I'm still not exactly sure what all I have in my bag....and I'm finding all kinds of little 'surprises' That is family to me. Having people in  your life that think you're important enough, and love you enough, to do stuff for you that you don't want to do yourself, or by yourself. Or something like that.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Community.
I think I truly experienced a miracle this past summer. I've had a blessed life but I'd never felt the holy spirit more strongly than when I asked my community for their financial help. 
Not only did I raise enough money-which I got by the end of the first weekend I asked-I received almost  double the amount. This money goes directly to the missionary program, so I felt very blessed and extremely humbled  to be able to hand over that check and say to myself, "Yeah. See that? That's the strength of my home. That's my parish." It is equally important  that  I thank all those who gave their support spiritually through prayer. It meant as much to me, and my family,  for someone to say they would remember me in their prayers. These next two years are going to be tough. Awesome, but tough. Prayers will be critical.
And I couldn't have done any of that without the support of Monsignor Biseno. I feel like he is really one of the most underrated aspects of my church community.
Peace from Villa Maria in  San Antonio

...Finally. the first post. Nailed it.

1 comment:

  1. Okay second shot at this. Deleted my first one by accident.


    The Vazquez clan is so incredibly proud of you and we are so excited for you as you head onto your next adventure. I for one will be living vicarioulsy through you and am anxious to hear about your experiences. If I had a time machine I would in heartbeat have sought such an opportunity.

    You are obviously aware of the historical injustices in Latin America due to either internal strife or external influence. It gives me such great pride knowing that you represent the very best of our community and that the people you will serve will witness the compassion and love of Christ through your actions.

    Keep the postings rolling journeyman and may God continue to bless your wonderful life.

